<translate originalText="Record Once" translatedText="Spela in en gσng"/>
<translate originalText="Record Season (all episodes on this channel)" translatedText="Spela in sΣsong (alla avsnitt i denna kanal)"/>
<translate originalText="Record Season (all episodes in this timeslot, this channel)" translatedText="Spela in sΣsong (alla avsnitt pσ denna sΣndningstid i denna kanal)"/>
<translate originalText="Record Every Day" translatedText="Spela in varje dag"/>
<translate originalText="Record Every Week" translatedText="Spela in varje vecka"/>
<translate originalText="Record Every Monday - Friday" translatedText="Spela in varje mσndag - fredag"/>
<translate originalText="Record Every Saturday & Sunday" translatedText="Spela in varje l÷rdag & s÷ndag"/>
<translate originalText="Record Season (all in this weekly timeslot, this channel)" translatedText="SΣsongsinspelning (alla denna vecka, denna tid, denna kanal)"/>
<translate originalText="Record Season (all in this daily timeslot, this channel)" translatedText="SΣsongsinspelning (alla denna dag, denna tid och denna kanal)"/>
<translate originalText="Recording all showings" translatedText="Spela in alla program"/>
<translate originalText="Recording all showings in this timeslot" translatedText="Spela in alla program denna tid"/>
<translate originalText="Failure playing back file" translatedText="Kan ej spela upp fil."/>
<translate originalText="To record this show will require the cancellation of another scheduled recording." translatedText="F÷r att spela in detta program krΣvs att en annan schemalagd inspelning stoppas"/>
<translate originalText="You have previously watched part of this video. Either select Resume to continue playback, or select Restart to play the video from the beginning." translatedText="Du har tidigare tittat pσ en del av denna video. VΣlj ┼tergσ f÷r att fortsΣtta uppspelning eller vΣlj Omstart f÷r att spela videon frσn b÷rjan."/>
<translate originalText="No Listing Information Available" translatedText="Ingen tillgΣnglig EPG information"/>
<translate originalText="No tuners are available to watch the requested channel. You can choose to watch one of the currently recording programmes." translatedText="Alla tuners Σr upptagna. Du kan vΣlja att titta pσ en inspelning som pσgσr."/>
<translate originalText="No channels have been set up. Please run the Configuration utility and setup the EPG source. Use the 'Update EPG' button to force the system to import the latest set of channel and programme information." translatedText="Inga kanaler har blivit instΣllda. VΣnligen konfigurera EPG kΣlla och stΣll in kanaler."/>
<translate originalText="No Capture-Source was available to enable you to watch the requested channel." translatedText="Inga inspelningskΣllor m÷jligg÷r att du kan titta pσ ÷nskad kanal."/>
<translate originalText="Failed to locate configured BDA capture device" translatedText="Kan ej hitta konfigurerat Digital TV kort. Kontrollera kort och drivrutiner."/>
<translate originalText="Failed to locate configured capture device" translatedText="Kan ej hitta det konfigurerade Tvkortet. Kontrollera kort och drivrutiner."/>
<translate originalText="Adding Station" translatedText="LΣgg till station"/>
<translate originalText="Scanning for FM radio stations..." translatedText="S÷ker efter FM-radio stationerà"/>
<translate originalText="Please wait..." translatedText="Var god vΣntaà,"/>
<translate originalText="Do you want to skip or keep this station, or cancel the scan?" translatedText="Vill du spara eller skippa den hΣr kanalen, eller avsluta kanals÷kningen?"/>
<translate originalText="You have no FM radio stations configured" translatedText="Du har inga FM-radio stationer konfigurererade"/>
<translate originalText="Are you sure you want to delete this station?" translatedText="─r du sΣker att du ÷nskar ta bort denna station?"/>
<translate originalText="Enter the required frequency in mhz with two decimal places, ignore the decimal point (e.g. 90.50mhz should be 9050, 103mhz would be 10300)" translatedText="Ange frekvensen i MHz med 2 decimaler, men utan kommatecken. (ex 90,50 blir 9050)"/>
<translate originalText="Applications need to be restarted for changes to apply. This will close in 5 seconds." translatedText="TV programmet mσste startas om f÷r att Σndringar ska ske. Detta f÷nster stΣngs om 5 sekunder."/>
<translate originalText="Apply offset when importing listings" translatedText="TillΣmpa tidsjustering vid import av TVguide info."/>
<translate originalText="This media folder needs to be given a virtual folder name. (e.g. Videos1)" translatedText="This media folder needs to be given a virtual folder name. (e.g. Videos1)"/>
<translate originalText="Rip DVDs from your DVD drive to your hard drive" translatedText="Kopiera DVD till din hσrddisk."/>
<translate originalText="Place your DVD in your DVD drive. Next select the base video directory, and select 'Start' to begin ripping. A new directory will be created automatically for your DVD." translatedText="SΣtt in en skiva i DVD-spelaren. VΣlj plats f÷r filen och tryck pσ 'Starta kopiering'. En ny mapp kommer att skapas f÷r din DVD-fil."/>
<translate originalText="View the lastest comics about your favorite characters" translatedText="Titta pσ de senaste humorserierna med dina favoritkaraktΣrer."/>
<translate originalText="View disk information including free space and estimated remaining recording time" translatedText="Visa diskinformation, ledigt diskutrymme och uppskattad kvarvarande inspelningstid."/>
<translate originalText="Cannot Remove Area From Weather List" translatedText="Cannot Remove Area From Weather List"/>
<translate originalText="There is only one item in the weather list so it can not be removed." translatedText="There is only one item in the weather list so it can not be removed."/>